Slovak Blanik Glider Aerobatic Team "Ocovskí Bacovia" plans to tour North America

Blanik America received the following letter recently:

"We are the glider aerobatic team, in my opinion the only one in Europe. We are called " OCOVSKI BACOVIA" (Ocova's Shepherds but it is not an exact translation). We started 18 years ago. We had our first performance at the Airshow in Kunovice on September 6, 1981, i.e. in the place where "our" great Blaniks are produced. Since then we have participated at almost all airshows in the area of former Czechoslovakia. Recently we participate in airshows abroad at least once a year. 1996 Berblingen Airshow / Germany, 1997; 5th Airshow Cita di L` Aquilla - Italy, 1998 - Czech International Air Fest.

We had success at all of these airshows because our performance always shocks not only common spectators, but also specialists in the field aviation. It is completely something different from the noise of jets groups like Red Arrows, Blue Angels etc.

At the beginning of the year I prepare a schedule of performances for the new airshows season, and therefore I come with my suggestion to you.

We ask you to possibly organize our performance in some airshow in the USA through your company. The best would be before or after Blanik Fun Meet somewhere near its happening. It would be possible probably to borrow Blaniks from its participants. They don't need to be only L-13 Blaniks but can be also a combination of L-13 + L-23 or L-13 AC. Our glider know-how may verified by many years of experience and we would like you to judge this suggested event positively.

Our basic team includes 4 pilots and 1 co-pilot (navigator). Each from us has pilot-instructor license and aerobatic license and flying is our hobby of more than 25 years. Our performance takes approximately 8 minutes (after towing to 3,300 feet above ground, depending on the weather). During our performance we use the smoke effects on the wing tips and change formation of our gliders (including looping).

Sincerely yours,

Pavel BENO, team manager & group leader L-13 Glider aerobatic team "OCOVSKI BACOVIA" Airport Ocova S L O V A K Republic."



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Last modified: September 26, 2002